Thursday 23 June 2011

LOVE issue six

Oh hurrah,  what a sumptuous treat for this humdrum Thursday afternoon. Just moments ago LOVE tweeted an exclusive peek at their cover for issue six and cripes it's gloriously harrowing.

The black high pointed shoulders, cuffed tight neck, blood dripping eyes and the errr not so soft and cuddly crow headwear all keep in tune with the "Super Natural" theme. *Shudders to the core*

I cannot ruddy wait to indulge into what I only know will be an exquisite read. Hurry on up August - please and thanks.

Monday 20 June 2011

Introducing Vintage Daze

Blogosphere meet Vintage Daze, Vintage Daze meet the Blogosphere.

For the past three months I have been able to wake-up before 9am without the aid of my alarm – a fine feat for any student. And the reason? Vintage Daze.

I know, I know “someone pass the vom bucket”, I hear you weep. But this was my last project for university and it was undeniably the pinnacle of my education.

Vintage Daze is busy to the brim and busting at the seams with delectable reads and visual feasts. Working with three of my closest pals, we produced 68 pages of whimsical musings for retro aficionados.

Our cover star Miss Lowe is on an exciting path to becoming an icon to our grandchildren, and I spoke to her about inspiration, vintage heroines and raiding her mum’s treasure chest of a wardrobe. Our edition also opens the doors to a vintage wedding, the life of Janis Joplin and the compelling tale of a retro lady who transformed her life.

And in our ‘Best of British’ themed shoot we show glamour is back – seventies style. In this era glamour was high-voltage, intensely coloured, exotic and utterly removed from the everyday reality of life. And our fashion photographer Ed Miller evokes this period in many of his snapshots.

At graduation we are bestowed with a perfect bound glossy version of the magazine and gee, I am crossing off the days in my Filofax already. 

Keep your eyes peeled for more Vintage Daze snippets coming soon. 

Sunday 5 June 2011

Eyes Be Closed

I should probably be over my band crush phase by now, but gee, Ernest Greene just moves me. It's been a long wait but 'Eyes Be Closed 'is set to be his first single from the upcoming Washed Out album - hurrah. 

Haven't played my Life of Leisure EP in over a year but it's exactly what I need to coax me through these last few days of deadlines. Bliss.

The album Within and Without is out July 12.